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12 Telltale Signs You Need to Change Your Locks at Home

12 Telltale Signs You Need to Change Your Locks at Home
calendarOctober 25, 2023

Best Digital Lock - Curious about when it’s time to give your home locks a makeover?

Whether you’re settling into a new place or just had a sketchy situation that got you thinking about home security, you need to know 12 telltale signs you need to change your locks at home.

These signs help you decide if it’s time for a lock swap. It’s like giving your home a little security facelift, and trust us, it’s worth it for that peace of mind. 

So, let’s dive into these signs and make sure your castle stays fortress-level secure!


12 Signs You Need to Change Your Locks at Home


Basically, changing the locks on your home is an important security measure to consider if you experience any of the following 12 factors:

1. Lost Keys

Losing your keys or having them stolen can expose your home to potential security risks. 

In such situations, knowing how to change the locks on your house is a prudent measure to safeguard against unauthorized access.

Doing so effectively nullifies the threat posed by misplaced or stolen keys. Ultimately, this bolsters the security of your property and ensures your peace of mind.

Statistical data underscore the importance of this precaution. In 2020, Singapore reported a total of 211 housebreaking cases, according to the Singapore Police Force.

These incidents serve as a stark reminder of the need to take proactive steps to protect one’s home from potential intruders.


2. Break-Ins

Discovering that your home has been subjected to a break-in is an unsettling experience. 

In such distressing circumstances, it’s crucial to consider the integrity of your locks.

A break-in can potentially compromise the security of your locks, rendering them vulnerable to unauthorized entry in the future. 

Therefore, it is highly advisable to take immediate action and replace the locks to restore your home’s security.

Doing so prevents any lingering security threats and offers peace of mind, knowing that your residence is once again secure and less susceptible to further breaches.


3. Old or Worn-Out Locks

As time passes, the reliability of locks can gradually diminish due to natural wear and tear. This gradual degradation of lock mechanisms can decrease your property's security.

Over time, constant use, exposure to the elements, and general aging can compromise the effectiveness of locks on doors, making them less robust and more susceptible to tampering or forced entry attempts.

To maintain the highest level of security for your home or business, it is essential to recognize when locks on doors have reached the end of their functional lifespan. 

Also, knowing how to change your locks on doors is a crucial skill in ensuring the continued safety of your property.


4. Key Copies

Granting spare keys to individuals who no longer require access to your property is common sense that necessitates a pragmatic security measure. 

In such situations, changing the locks emerges as a sensible choice to bolster your home’s security.

Whether it’s friends, family members, or contractors who have had access in the past, this proactive step ensures that only authorized individuals can enter your premises.

Ultimately, maintaining control over who can enter your home is pivotal for safeguarding your privacy and property. 

Knowing how to change your locks at home offers a straightforward solution to achieve this goal.


5. Roommates or Tenants Move Out

When a person who once had access to your home no longer resides there, it's a prudent decision to consider changing the locks to uphold the security of your property.

This situation arises in various life circumstances, such as roommates moving out, tenants vacating the premises, or employees leaving your employ.

By changing the locks, you ensure that former occupants or individuals with past access cannot re-enter your home without your authorization. 

It’s a straightforward yet effective way to maintain control over who can access your property and maintain a secure environment.


6. Divorce or Relationship Changes

In the aftermath of a significant relationship change, particularly following a divorce or separation, it’s advisable to consider changing the locks on your property as a precautionary security measure.

These emotional and life-altering transitions can sometimes lead to complex situations, including disputes over access to shared residence. 

Changing locks in such scenarios helps prevent any unwanted entry by former partners or spouses.

Statistical data highlight the need for this precaution. According to police statistics in Singapore, there was a notable increase in the number of domestic violence-related police reports in 2021, with 5,190 cases filed.

This underscores the importance of proactive measures like lock replacement to maintain personal safety during tumultuous life transitions.


7. Malfunctioning Locks

When locks begin to malfunction, their effectiveness in providing security becomes compromised. Malfunctions can manifest as difficulty turning the key, locks that frequently jam, or mechanisms that no longer engage smoothly.

These issues pose an inconvenience and create vulnerabilities in your home's security. Intruders may exploit these weaknesses, increasing the risk of unauthorized access.

To maintain the level of security your home requires, promptly replacing malfunctioning locks is essential.


8. Keys in the Wrong Hands

When suspicions arise regarding unauthorized access to your keys, taking the initiative to change your locks becomes a crucial precautionary measure. 

This suspicion can stem from various scenarios, such as the misplacement of keys in public places or lending them to individuals who might not be entirely trustworthy.

By changing the locks in such circumstances, you proactively mitigate potential security risks.

In the end, safeguarding your property and personal safety is paramount. Thus, changing locks yourself when suspicions arise is a responsible step to ensure both.


9. Upgrading Security

Opting to enhance the security of your home by upgrading to more secure locks is a prudent choice, grounded in the ever-evolving landscape of security technology.

In today’s world, where burglary rates and property-related crimes remain persistent concerns, knowing the need to change locks on your house is a proactive measure. 

For instance, in 2022, Singapore reported 60 violent and serious property crime cases, emphasizing the importance of robust security measures.

Modern locks may include features like anti-picking, bump resistance, and even smart technology for remote monitoring and access control. Such upgrades fortify your home’s security and grant you greater convenience and peace of mind.


10. New Home Purchase

Upon moving into a new residence, adopting the practice of changing locks, especially if you change your locks when you buy a house, is a wise and precautionary measure. 

The rationale behind this is rooted in uncertainty about who may possess keys from previous occupants.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for previous homeowners or tenants to have provided spare keys to friends, family members, or neighbors.
Consequently, changing the locks offers a clean slate. Therefore, only you and those you trust can access your new home.

Moreover, it’s a cost-effective approach compared to the potential risks associated with retaining the existing locks in your new dwelling.


11. Lock-Picking Attempts

The immediate replacement of locks upon discovering evidence of lock-picking attempts is a crucial security measure that aligns with psychological principles of personal safety.

When signs of tampering are present, it can provoke feelings of vulnerability and anxiety in homeowners. This emotional distress can have a detrimental impact on one’s overall well-being.

According to psychological studies, a heightened sense of security is associated with reduced stress levels and increased feelings of safety and control over one’s environment.


12. Rust or Corrosion

The gradual deterioration of locks due to rust and corrosion is a concern that stresses the importance of regular maintenance and replacement. 

As the lock ages, exposure to moisture and environmental factors can lead to the formation of rust and corrosion.

This process weakens the locks on your door, making them more susceptible to forced entry and picking. 

Recognizing the signs of lock deterioration, such as visible rust, difficulty in turning the key, or a loose mechanism, is crucial. 

When such signs emerge, it is wise to know how to change the locks on your door promptly.


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Benefits of Changing Your Home Locks

Having familiarized yourself with the 12 signs indicating a need to change your home locks, it’s time to explore the advantages of taking this proactive step.

1. Improved Security

Changing your locks gives you essential control over your home’s security, effectively safeguarding against unauthorized access.

Picture this scenario: You’ve moved into a new house, unaware of who might possess keys from the previous owners, and contemplating how to change locks at the new house.

Months pass, and you decide to change the locks. Later, you hear about a string of burglaries in your neighborhood. It turns out that one of the previous owner’s acquaintances had an old key.

Thankfully, your decision to replace the locks has thwarted any potential security breach. This simple action ensures that only trusted individuals can enter your home.

2. Enhanced Safety

In the realm of home security, changing your locks after a security breach is akin to closing the door to a past chapter and opening a new one with enhanced safeguards.

Imagine a book with a breach in its pages, allowing unwanted intruders to revisit your story. 

By swiftly changing your locks following an incident like a break-in or lost keys, you metaphorically replace the damaged pages, ensuring that potential intruders can no longer access your narrative.

It’s like turning the page to a safer, more secure chapter in the story of your home.

3. Customized Access
Furthermore, changing locks allows you to tailor your home security to your precise needs. By replacing your existing locks, you can explore and install new ones that align with your security requirements.

For instance, you might opt to upgrade to high-security digital locks, which offer advanced features like keyless entry, remote access control, and enhanced resistance to picking and tampering.

At Hoz, we understand the significance of security and convenience in your daily life. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of digital locks to cater to every need and budget. 

With our trusted selection, you can confidently elevate your home’s security while enjoying modern digital locks' convenience.

4. Peace of Mind

The tranquility of knowing new locks safeguard your home is invaluable. It eradicates lingering concerns about the existence of unauthorized key copies and instills a sense of confidence in the security of your property.

Imagine coming home after a long day, the weight of worry about previous key holders lifted from your shoulders. The assurance that your home is impenetrable to anyone without your authorization is akin to a comforting embrace of security.

Whether you’re away on vacation or resting peacefully at night, knowing that your property is well-protected provides uninterrupted peace of mind.

5. Prevent Unwanted Entry

Lastly, changing locks serves as a crucial deterrent against potential scenarios involving unauthorized access, thereby safeguarding your home and privacy.

Consider this scenario: You’ve recently ended a rental agreement with tenants who have returned their keys, but what if they’ve made copies without your knowledge?

Changing locks ensures that former tenants and ex-partners or disgruntled employees cannot gain entry without your consent or knowledge. 

It’s a precautionary measure that protects against unwanted intrusions, maintaining the sanctity of your living space.

So, there you have it, 12 signs you should totally keep in mind when it comes to your home security. And if you’re all about leveling up that security game, you might want to consider going digital with your locks.

Digital locks are like the superheroes of the lock world. They offer a bunch of perks you won’t get with traditional locks!

And if you’re wondering where to get the best digital locks in Singapore, look no further than Hoz. We're ready to hook you up with top-notch digital locks to make your home feel like a high-tech fortress.

So, if any of those signs you need to change your locks at home presents, remember, Hoz is the answer to all your lock upgrade needs.





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